sexta-feira, 21 de maio de 2010

Oficina de Tradução no Rio de Janeiro

Encontram-se abertas as inscrições para a oficina de tradução básica que a prof. Lia Wyler realizará nos dias 9, 16, 23 e 30 de julho no Rio de Janeiro.

Os interessados podem entrar em contato com o seu site na Internet:

quinta-feira, 20 de maio de 2010

Calderon visit marred by poor translation


The Associated Press
Wednesday, May 19
WASHINGTON -- A halting and grammatically incoherent English translation marred Mexican President Felipe Calderon's arrival ceremony at the White House Wednesday, rendering his remarks difficult to understand at times. The Mexican delegation blamed its own translator.

In Spanish, Calderon's comments were straightforward and clear as he stood by President Barack Obama on the South Lawn and spoke to the common values and principles that unite the U.S. and Mexico.

But the English translation that American viewers heard was so bad that the official White House transcript ignored it. Instead the White House used a translation provided by the Mexican Embassy and it was markedly different from the words actually spoken by the translator as Calderon talked.

For example, here's how Calderon's comments on the tough new immigration law in Arizona were rendered by his translator during the opening ceremony:

"We can do so with a community that will promote a dignified life and an orderly way for both our countries, who are, some of them, still living here in the shadows with such laws as the Arizona law that is placing our people to face discrimination."

And here's how those same comments appeared in the official transcript issued later Wednesday:

"I know that we share the interest in promoting dignified, legal and orderly living conditions to all migrant workers. Many of them, despite their significant contribution to the economy and to the society of the United States, still live in the shadows and, occasionally, as in Arizona, they even face discrimination."

The spotty translation was a surprising lapse for a state visit with all the trappings meant to showcase close cooperation between the U.S. and Mexico and allow both presidents to demonstrate their commitment to addressing immigration reform, drug trafficking and other issues.

An official with the Mexican delegation said the translator came with the Mexican delegation but apparently was not someone who regularly translates for Calderon. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the issue and because details of the situation remained unclear.

Washington Post

quarta-feira, 19 de maio de 2010

Intérprete nervosa

O que um intérprete não deve fazer:

You tube video

PhD bursaries at Leicester

The School of Modern Languages at the University of Leicester is making available two bursaries for candidates interested in pursuing PhD research in the area of Translation Studies.

Bursary 1:

Home/EU students: Exemption from fees; £10,000 living cost allowance.
Overseas students: Fee reduction to the value of the H/EU rate; £10,000 living cost allowance.

Bursary 2:

Home/EU students: Exemption from fees; £5,000 living cost allowance.
Overseas students: Fee reduction to the value of the H/EU rate; £5,000 living cost allowance.

Each bursary is for 3 years and candidates will be expected to undertake teaching for up to 6 hours (bursary 1) or up to 4 hours (bursary 2) each week from the beginning of their second year of study.

Applications should include the applicants full CV, the names of two academic referees who have agreed to support the application, and a research proposal which should:

Define a series of research questions, issues or problems to be addressed
Specify the research context in which these research questions, issues and problems arise, and explain why it is important to address them:

What other research has been or is being undertaken in the area, and what will be the applicantants particular contribution to the enhancement of knowledge and understanding.

Describe the research methods to be used to address the research questions, issues or problems, explaining the rationale for choosing those methods: Why are these the most appropriate methods for addressing these questions, problems or issues?

Applications should be sent by electronic mail to Professor Sharon Wood (slw26@leicester. and Professor Kirsten Malmkjær (kirsten@newroad. uk) by Friday 4 June.

Interviews will be held on Friday 2 July in Leicester.

terça-feira, 18 de maio de 2010

Israel barra entrada do linguista americano Noam Chomsky na Cisjordânia

O linguista americano Noam Chomsky, 81, foi barrado na entrada da Cisjordânia neste domingo por oficiais israelenses de imigração. O intelectual é um grande crítico das políticas israelenses com relação aos palestinos.

Chomsky disse à Reuters por telefone, da capital da Jordânia, Amã, que viajou até a ponte Allenby, cruzando o rio Jordão, onde foi parado por oficiais da imigração israelense que não permitiram sua passagem.

Noam Chomsky, americano judeu e grande crítico das políticas israelenses com relação aos palestinos, foi barrado em Israel

"Eles aparentemente não gostaram do fato de eu estar indo dar uma palestra em uma universidade palestina, não em Israel", disse Chomsky, que é judeu.

O anfitrião palestino de Chomsky, o legislador Mustafa al Barghouti disse que o intelectual iria dar uma palestra na Universidade de Birzeit e no Instituto para Estudos Palestinos, em Ramallah, na Cisjordânia.

Uma porta-voz do Ministério do Interior israelense disse que os oficiais da imigração na fronteira entenderam errado as intenções de Chomsky, achando que ele também visitaria Israel. Os oficiais estavam tentando conseguir liberação para a entrada do americano junto a militares israelenses, que controla o acesso à Cisjordânia.

"Estamos tentando contatar os militares para esclarecer tudo e, se eles não tiverem nenhuma objeção, não vemos nenhuma razão para que ele não possa entrar", disse Sabine Hadad.

Chomsky disse estar fazendo palestras pela região e que sua agenda estava tão cheia que não poderia tentar novamente a entrada na Cisjordânia.

Ele disse ter visitado Israel e a Cisjordânia pela última vez em 1997, quando fez palestra na Universidade de Ben-Gurion e também em Birzeit.

Folha Online

Ciclo de Palestras sobre Tradução

CITRAT e Departamento de Letras Modernas, FFLCH, USP.

Edwin Gentzler, Univ. Massachusetts (Amherst)

The Micro-Turn in Translation Studies: Translation within the United States

Translation studies in the United States is quite a new discipline: the American Translation and Interpreting Studies Association (ATISA) has been in existence for less than ten years; out of over 2500 universities, there are only 10 MA and two PhD programs; no history of translation in the United States has been written. Yet in the United States, over 150 languages are spoken, and one in five children are born into a non- or limited-English speaking family. Translation takes place on a daily basis in the schools, hospitals, courts, and social service agencies. The United States has been analyzed often in terms of race, class, and gender, but seldom in terms of translation or language minorities. This looks at how translation functions in smaller communities in the United States--cities, communities, prisons, reservations, and individual families--operating more often than not in a hidden, counter-culture fashion at micro-levels of culture.